

Teeth Whitening

Transform Your Smile with Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening is one of the most popular and economical cosmetic dentistry solutions for brightening your smile. With teeth whitening administered by Dr. Raquel, your teeth can be multiple shades whiter in just 30 minutes.

POLA Teeth Whitening Process

Before teeth whitening begins, you will have an oral examination and teeth cleaning. Healthy teeth and gums are essential before any cosmetic or restorative dentistry treatment takes place. A good foundation ensures the best possible smile makeover results.

If any areas of tooth decay or gum recession are identified, these problems will need to be treated first. This news may make you impatient, but it’s better and healthier for your smile and overall well-being to tend to compromised teeth before undergoing teeth whitening.

Once you’re ready to begin the whitening treatment, your lips and gums will be carefully covered to provide a painless procedure. These precautions are taken so you are less likely to develop any sensitivity to the bleaching agents used in POLA whitening. There should be no discomfort during a whitening session.

The whitening agent is then applied to the front surfaces of your teeth. A full whitening treatment typically consists of four 30-minute sessions of whitening. After a half hour, you will leave the office with a brand new sparkling smile.

Professional Teeth Whitening

vs. Over-the-Counter Whitening Treatments

The effectiveness of professional teeth whitening is amazing. Over-the-counter whitening strips, toothpastes, or gels can get results, but there is no comparison to powerful whitening from Dr. Raquel.

There are two key agents that must be in place to make teeth permanently whiter: Carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide do the kind of hard work that over-the-counter treatments just cannot compete with. The results are longer-lasting, especially if you keep up with at-home preventive care. And the immediate results of a professional teeth whitening that gets into your enamel and separates stain molecules can result in a smile that is up to eight shades whiter.

There is also no chance of user error when you visit Dr. Raquel. Let’s face it, any whitening treatments you purchase from the local drugstore are not foolproof. They cannot make concessions for the uniqueness of your teeth. For example, perhaps you have one porcelain veneer, or a porcelain crown. These teeth will not change color, which could make the whitening of your other teeth look like a mistake. An experienced dentist can address this issue and adjust whitening recommendations or point to other cosmetic dentistry options that can serve you better.

What You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening, Tooth Stains, and Crooked Teeth

  • You don’t need perfectly aligned teeth to qualify for a teeth-whitening treatment. In fact, a whitening treatment can make your imperfect teeth look so good that perfection isn’t necessary.

  • Not all tooth stains are created equal. The sources of tooth stains vary, from medication to a coffee habit, from poor oral hygiene to smoking. Tooth discoloration is also a natural side effect of aging.

  • You may not have teeth that can be whitened. Some people are simply born with teeth that are dull in color, and there is no way to alter their appearance through a whitening treatment. Porcelain veneers are one of your best options.

  • Your DNA can also saddle you with thin tooth enamel. If your enamel isn’t super strong, you may exhibit a yellowish tint on your teeth. You may also be more likely to develop tooth stains, even with good oral hygiene habits.

  • There are two types of tooth stains: Extrinsic tooth stains are found on the surface of your teeth and can typically be blasted away by professional teeth whitening. Intrinsic tooth stains are within the enamel of the teeth and need to be hidden by another cosmetic dentistry treatment because whitening is unlikely to make a dent.

While it may seem like professional teeth whitening is too good to be true, it’s hard to argue when there are millions of patients who have walked away with a stunningly white and gorgeous new smile thanks to whitening treatment.

When you want to dramatically change your appearance in a non-invasive way, teeth whitening is the answer.